Results for 'Marina Landa Maymó'

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  1.  20
    Revisión sistemática sobre el enfoque del pensamiento visible en las Enseñanzas Artísticas.Marina Landa Maymó & Inés María Monreal Guerrero - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (6):1-13.
    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión sistemática que posibilite dar información a la comunidad científica sobre el estado de la cuestión de la implementación del enfoque de pensamiento visible dentro de los centros de enseñanzas artísticas. Si la pedagogía del instrumento utiliza dicho enfoque para conseguir que los estudiantes adquieran capacidad comprensiva, el estudio demuestra que hay un limitado número de publicaciones científicas específicas que aborden dicho objeto de estudio y que, por ende, existe un amplio campo (...)
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    Management and Income Inequality: A Review and Conceptual Framework.Brent D. Beal & Marina Astakhova - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (1):1-23.
    Income inequality in the US has now reached levels not seen since the 1920s. Management, as a field of scholarly inquiry, has the potential to contribute in significant ways to our understanding of recent inequality trends. We review and assess recent research, both in the management literature and in other fields. We then delineate a conceptual framework that highlights the mechanisms through which business practice may be linked to income inequality. We then outline four general areas in which management scholars (...)
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    Space and the Self in Hume's Treatise.Marina Frasca-Spada - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hume's discussion of the idea of space in his Treatise on Human Nature is fundamental to an understanding of his treatment of such central issues as the existence of external objects, the unity of the self, the relation between certainty and belief, and abstract ideas. Marina Frasca-Spada's rich and original study examines this difficult part of Hume's philosophical writings and connects it to eighteenth-century works in natural philosophy, mathematics and literature. Focusing on Hume's discussions of the infinite divisibility of (...)
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    Socioemotional Resources Account for Academic Adjustment in Moroccan Adolescents.Daniel Cortés-Denia, Karima El Ghoudani, Manuel Pulido-Martos, Smail Alaoui, Octavio Luque-Reca, Manuel Miguel Ramos-Álvarez, José María Augusto-Landa, Benaissa Zarhbouch & Esther Lopez-Zafra - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Denotation of Copredicative Nouns.Marina Ortega-Andrés - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (7):3113-3143.
    Copredication is the phenomenon whereby two or more predicates seem to require that their argument denotes different things. The denotation of words that copredicate has been broadly discussed. In this paper, I investigate the metaphysics behind this question. Thus, mereological theories of dot objects claim that these nouns denote complex entities; Asher (Lexical meaning in context, Cambridge University Press, 2011, thinks that they denote bare particulars; and the Activation Package Theory contends that they stand for multiple denotations. According to (...)
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    The Ticking Clock: Addressing Farm Animal Welfare in Emerging Countries.Marina A. G. von Keyserlingk & Maria José Hötzel - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (1):179-195.
    Over the last decade many emerging economies, and in particular Brazil, have established themselves as major players in global food animal production. Within these countries much of the increase in food animal production has been achieved by the adoption of intensive housing systems similar to those found in most industrialized countries. However, it is now well established that many of these systems are associated with numerous welfare problems, particularly with respect to restriction of movement. Previous work has shown that people (...)
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  7. Association Between Socio-Affective Symptoms and Glutathione and CD4 and CD8 Lymphocytes in College Students.Cecilia Luz Balderas-Vazquez, Blandina Bernal-Morales, Eliud Alfredo Garcia-Montalvo, Libia Vega, Emma Virginia Herrera-Huerta, Juan Francisco Rodríguez-Landa, José Felipe Velázquez-Hernández, María del Carmen Xotlanihua-Gervacio & Olga Lidia Valenzuela - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: The prevalence of anxiety and depression in young students is associated with biosocial factors and scholastic stress. However, few studies have evaluated emotional-affective symptoms that are related to the immune system and antioxidant parameters in young individuals without diagnoses of affective disorders.Aim: This study aims to assess the relationship between emotional-affective symptoms and glutathione concentrations and CD4 and CD8 lymphocyte counts in college students.Methods: College students completed standardized psychometric instruments, including the Perceived Stress Scale, Hamilton Anxiety Scale, Beck Depression (...)
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    Interpretation of Copredicative Sentences: A Rich Underspecification Account of Polysemy.Marina Ortega-Andrés - 2021 - In Fabrizio Macagno & Alessandro Capone (eds.), Inquiries in philosophical pragmatics. Theoretical developments. Cham: Springer. pp. 111-132.
    It is still an open question how senses of inherent polysemous words are represented and interpreted. Empirical results are not conclusive about the representation of polysemy. Therefore, different representation models try to give an answer about the puzzle of representation of polysemous words in general and of inherent polysemous words in particular. Inherent polysemous words are those that have several related senses that allow copredication, which occurs when one polysemous word is used to express simultaneously two related senses in a (...)
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    Association Between Group Identification at School and Positive Youth Development: Moderating Role of Rural and Urban Contexts.Diana Paricio, Marina Herrera, María F. Rodrigo & Paz Viguer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Impressions of Hume.Marina Frasca-Spada & P. J. E. Kail (eds.) - 2005 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Impressions of Hume collects brand-new essays from leading scholars in different philosophical, historiographical, and literary traditions within which Hume is a canonical figure. To some his writings are vehicles for intuitions, problems, and arguments which are at the center of contemporary philosophical reflection; others locate Hume's views against the background of concerns and debates of his own time. Hume's texts may be read as highly sophisticated literary-cum-philosophical creations, or as moments in the construction of the ideology of modernity; these are (...)
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    ARROYO, Miguel G. Vidas Ameaçadas: Exigências-respostas éticas da Educação e da Docência.Caroline Birnfeldt & Marina Fagundes Weisheimer - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:020027.
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    Reverse mediations: digital methods of social research for digital citizenship.Marina Pantoja Boechat & Débora De Carvalho Pereira - 2015 - International Review of Information Ethics 23.
    Our society is heavily mediated by information technologies, so the simplest interactions become traceable, which collaborates to a deluge of data. They represent an abundant source for social analysis and an unparalleled opportunity for citizens to access, produce and disseminate information. Nevertheless, all this affluence of data, for presenting itself in a scattered way, also poses significant difficulties for achieving an integrated view of social reality and its interactions, and is organized in many competing interfaces and information architectures, that may (...)
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    Auditory Mismatch Negativity Response in Institutionalized Children.Irina Ovchinnikova, Marina A. Zhukova, Anna Luchina, Maxim V. Petrov, Marina J. Vasilyeva & Elena L. Grigorenko - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Immigrant Women in Italy: Perspectives from Brussels and Bologna.Marina Orsini-Jones & Catherine Hoskyns - 1995 - European Journal of Women's Studies 2 (1):51-76.
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    Supporting Collaborative Grammar Learning via a Virtual Learning Environment.Marina Orsini-Jones & David Jones - 2007 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 6 (1):90-106.
    This article reports the results of an investigation into the issues encountered by undergraduate language students while engaging in ‘the Grammar Project’ - a collaborative assessment task for the module Academic and Professional Skills for Language Learning - and shows how encouraging students to take ownership of their learning process with the support of a Virtual Learning Environment can increase their motivation and their understanding of the subject matter. It shows that students’ beliefs may hinder their learning experience, while maintaining (...)
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    El rol del lenguaje natural en la cognición: un análisis del neowhorfismo.Marina Ortega-Andrés - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 22 (1).
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    Between Europeanization and De-Europeanization: A Comparative Content Analysis of the Pre-election Presentation of the EU Agenda in the Czech Quality Press.Jaromír Volek & Marína Urbániková - 2014 - Communications 39 (4):457-481.
    The paper explores the process of the Czech journalists setting the EU agenda in the media during the ‘hot phase’ of the Czech national parliament election campaigns in 2002, 2006, and 2010. Unlike most studies that concentrated on the media agenda in the European Parliament election campaigns, we focused on periods that were neither strictly key events nor routine, but that were more intensively covered by the media and simultaneously generated more influential political representation defining national political attitudes towards the (...)
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    The Sense of Sounds: Brain Responses to Phonotactic Frequency, Phonological Grammar and Lexical Meaning.Susana Silva, Marina Vigário, Barbara Leone Fernandez, Rita Jerónimo, Kai Alter & Sónia Frota - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Tópico historia Y ficción: Heterogeneidad latinoamericana en umbral de Juan emar.Malva Marina Vásquez & Constanza Vargas - 2013 - Alpha (Osorno) 36:9-28.
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  20. Festivaluri şi festivisme.Matei Florian, Mirela Iamandi, Adela Toplean, Marina Constantinescu, Adina Popescu, Florin Lăzărescu, Stela Giurgeanu & Armand Goşu - 2003 - Dilema 551:7-11.
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    A Path Through the Decades.Julia V. Sineokaya & Marina F. Bykova - 2015 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 52 (4):9-16.
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    Salvaguardar el legado contextual residencial: contribuciones desde el tratamiento de indicadores de sustentabilidad patrimonial en dos fragmentos marplatenses.Lorena Marina Sánchez - 2021 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 27:102-123.
    Desde mediados del siglo XX, el devenir de la salvaguarda relacionada con las viviendas ha avanzado desde la monumentalidad hasta el contexto, desde la individualización hasta la caracterización paisajística, desde las condiciones materiales hasta los aspectos vivenciales. Sin embargo, amparar el cuerpo de las residencias típicas de cada territorio, en especial en los dinámicos marcos urbanos, resultó —y resulta— un desafío. Las experimentaciones de propuestas hacia un amparo residencial a más largo plazo han coincidido en dos aspectos de interés: la (...)
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    Paternité et toxico-dépendance.Rodolphe Soulignac & Marina Croquette-Krokar - 2003 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 162 (4):93.
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    Subject curriculum of the Japanese language.Irena Srdanović, Marina Diković & Melani Matika - 2024 - Metodicki Ogledi 30 (2):185-211.
    Interest in Japanese language, and consequently the number of students of the Japanese language is constantly growing, both globally, and on the national level. Pula University undergraduate study program of Japanese Language and Culture and graduate program of Japanese studies with Japanese Language Teaching module, the first accredited Japanese study programs in Croatia, open up the possibility of introducing the subject curriculum of the Japanese language in secondary schools in the Republic of Croatia. Creation of educated teaching staff and the (...)
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    Certains aspects de la mise en question du mythe (et de la foi) Par le dialogue entre Les religions.Uma Marina Vesci - 1973 - Bijdragen 34 (4):398-410.
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    Partner’s body odor vs. relatives’ body odor: a comparison of female associations.Elizaveta Veselovskaya, Marina Butovskaya & Agnieszka Sorokowska - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (2):209-213.
    People positively appraise odors of individuals who are genetically different from themselves. Here we analyzed the relationship between perceived similarity of body odor to the judges’ relatives and their partners, and characteristics attributed to the odor donor. Seventy-six women were asked to smell one of the scents of twenty-nine men, and rate variables related to potential sexual interest in odor donor. We hypothesized that characteristics related to potential sexual interest would be associated with odor donors smelling similar to a partner, (...)
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    The role of ritual heat in vedic sacrifice.Umā Marina Vesci - 1978 - Bijdragen 39 (4):399-423.
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    Toward a genealogy of the national avant-garde poetics: Juan Emar and Nicanor Parra.Malva Marina Vásquez - 2020 - Alpha (Osorno) 51:71-86.
    Resumen: Este artículo intenta visibilizar algunos aspectos del rol fundacional de la narrativa de Juan Emar en las letras nacionales, en particular, su fecundo diálogo con la antipoesía de Parra. Se propone que tanto en Miltín 1934 de Emar como en la Antipoesía de Parra asistimos a la práctica de una carnavalización del motivo de lo divino-sublime. En esta dirección, ambas poéticas vanguardistas modulan en el espacio hispanoamericano una de las aristas del “proyecto inconcluso de la modernidad” : la muerte (...)
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    Lo sublime y lo impensado en la apuesta vanguardista de Miltín 1934 de Juan Emar.Malva Marina Vásquez - 2011 - Aisthesis 50:216-229.
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  30. Promoting Self-Regulation in Health Among Vulnerable Brazilian Children: Protocol Study.Luciana B. Mattos, Marina B. Mattos, Ana P. O. Barbosa, Mariana da Silva Bauer, Maina H. Strack, Pedro Rosário, Caroline T. Reppold & Cleidilene R. Magalhães - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Privacy concerns can stress you out: Investigating the reciprocal relationship between mobile social media privacy concerns and perceived stress.Jörg Matthes, Marina F. Thomas, Kathrin Karsay, Melanie Hirsch, Anna Koemets, Desirée Schmuck & Anja Stevic - 2022 - Communications 47 (3):327-349.
    Mobile social media have become a widespread means to participate in everyday social and professional life. These platforms encourage the disclosure and exchange of personal information, which comes with privacy risks. While past scholarship has listed various predictors and consequences of online privacy concerns, there has been to date no empirical investigation of a conceivable relationship with perceived stress. Using a longitudinal panel study, we examined the reciprocal relationship between mobile social media privacy concerns and perceived stress. Results supported the (...)
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    Parallels and potentials in animal and human ethnomedical technique.Constance M. McCorkle & Marina Martin - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (2):139-144.
    In all cultures, ethnomedical practices are largely the same for animals and people, whether in mode of administration of materia medica, in the materials themselves, or in surgical, mechanical, behavioral, medico-religious, and other realms. Below, parallels between veterinary and human ethnomedical techniques are outlined. Taken together, they suggest that a number of benefits could be gained by closer collaboration between veterinary and human medicine in the delivery of basic healthcare information and services.
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    Schutz’s Contribution to a Philosophical Dialogue at the Royaumont Conference in 1957.Alfred Schutz & Marina Banchetti - 2016 - Schutzian Research 8:13-15.
    This paper is a transcription and translation by Marina Banchetti of two memories of Edmund Husserl that Alfred Schutz recounted as part of a panel of philosophers discussing their memories of Husserl at Royaumont in 1957. One memory concerned Husserl lecturing in Prague without notes on the dignity of philosophy. The other had to do with Schutz ordering oranges for Husserl during his final illness.
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    David Hume.Marina Frasca-Spada - 2002 - In Steven M. Nadler (ed.), A Companion to Early Modern Philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 483–504.
    This chapter contains section titled: Hume's Legacy Sense Impressions, Passions and Ideas The Idea of Cause and Effect Probability and the Inference from Past to Future (Moderate) Skepticism Moral Feelings Human Nature and Religious Beliefs.
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    Libro reseñado: José Félix de Restrepo 1760-1832. Nuestro filósofo Ilustrado. Autor: Daniel Herrera Restrepo.M. Duque & Luz Marina - 2004 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 29:100-106.
    Herrera Restrepo, Daniel. José Félix de Restrepo 1760-1832. Nuestro filósofo Ilustrado. Cali: Programa Editorial de la Universidad del Valle, 2003.
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    Categorical Dualities for Some Two Categories of Lattices: An Extended Abstract.Wiesław Dziobiak & Marina Schwidefsky - 2022 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 51 (3):329-344.
    The categorical dualities presented are: (first) for the category of bi-algebraic lattices that belong to the variety generated by the smallest non-modular lattice with complete (0,1)-lattice homomorphisms as morphisms, and (second) for the category of non-trivial (0,1)-lattices belonging to the same variety with (0,1)-lattice homomorphisms as morphisms. Although the two categories coincide on their finite objects, the presented dualities essentially differ mostly but not only by the fact that the duality for the second category uses topology. Using the presented dualities (...)
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  37. Karl Philipp Moritz and his conception of the artist.Viola Marina Farmakis - 1948 - Chicago,: Chicago University Press.
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    Sur la crise du capitalisme neoliberal.Abelardo Mariña Flores & Dominique Plihon - 2012 - Actuel Marx 51 (1):11-26.
    This discussion brings together five economists who address the major questions raised by the recent developments in the crisis of neoliberalism. The participants confront their respective definitions of neoliberalism, their understanding of the role played by financial mechanisms in the crisis and their interpretation of the crisis of sovereign debts. They discuss the implications of the crisis for the forces of the left, examining the consequences of the current weakening of the prior American hegemony : does it point to a (...)
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    Hume on Sense Impressions and Objects.Marina Frasca-Spada - 2002 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 9:13-24.
    This essay is on the nature and roles of sense impressions and objects in Hume’s account of perception in the Treatise of Human Nature. I start by considering how Hume introduces sense impressions at the beginning of the Treatise and show that, although he explains the distinction between impressions and ideas on the basis of their different strength and liveliness, the crucial difference between them is in fact that ideas are copies of impressions, while impressions do not, in turn, copy (...)
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    Hume's philosophy more geometrico demonstrata.Marina Frasca-Spada - 1998 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 6 (3):455 – 462.
    Don Garrett, Cognition and Commitment in Hume's Philosophy, New York and Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1997, pp. xiv + 270, Hb 40.00 ISBN 0-19-509721-1.
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    The many lives of eighteenth-century philosophy.Marina Frasca-Spada - 2001 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 9 (1):135 – 144.
  42.  8
    A thousand years of nonlinear history.Manuel De Landa - 1997 - New York: Zone Books.
    More than a simple expository history, A Thousand Years of Nonlinear History sketches the outlines of a renewed materialist philosophy of history in the tradition of Fernand Braudel, Gilles Deleuze, and F lix Guattari, while also engaging the critical new understanding of material processes derived from the sciences of dynamics.Following in the wake of his groundbreaking War in the Age of Intelligent Machines, Manuel De Landa presents a radical synthesis of historical development over the last one thousand years. More (...)
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  43. Rudolf Groner Marina T. Groner.Marina T. Groner - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob (eds.), Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 114.
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    A new philosophy of society: assemblage theory and social complexity.Manuel De Landa - 2019 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    "Manuel DeLanda is a distinguished writer, artist and philosopher. In his new book, he offers a fascinating look at how the contemporary world is characterized by an extraordinary social complexity. Since most social entities, from small communities to large nation-states, would disappear altogether if human minds ceased to exist, Delanda proposes a novel approach to social ontology that asserts the autonomy of social entities from the conceptions we have of them." Editorial.
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    (1 other version)Intensive science and virtual philosophy.Manuel De Landa - 2002 - New York: Continuum.
    Intensive Science and Virtual Philosophy cuts to the heart of the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze and of today's science wars.At the start of the 21st Century, ...
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    Phantasmagoria: spirit visions, metaphors, and media into the twenty-first century.Marina Warner - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Phantasmagoria explores ideas of spirit and soul since the Enlightenment; it traces metaphors that have traditionally conveyed the presence of immaterial forces, and reveals how such pagan and Christian imagery about ethereal beings are embedded in a logic of the imagination, clothing spirits in the languages of air, clouds, light and shadow, glass, and ether itself. Moving from Wax to Film, the book also discusses key questions of imagination and cognition, and probes the perceived distinctions between fantasy and deception; it (...)
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  47. Personal Autonomy: New Essays on Personal Autonomy and Its Role in Contemporary Moral Philosophy.Marina A. L. Oshana - 2005 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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  48. Continuidad y cambio en las prácticas musicales de la India contemporánea.Enrique Cámara de Landa - 2008 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 53:67-75.
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  49. Maximiano en Campaña: Matizaciones cronológicas a las expediciones hispanas y africanas del Augusto Hercúleo.Pere Maymó - 1999 - Polis 11:378-379.
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    Philosophical Perspectives for Pragmatics.Marina Sbisà, Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren (eds.) - 2011 - John Benjamins.
    Introduction Marina Sbisà University of Trieste 1. Pragmatics and philosophy It is well known that pragmatics – like many branches of the social and even ...
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